How to improve AMH levels naturally
How to Increase AMH Levels Naturally? | By Dr Firuza Parikh

AMH testing is essential to understand the ovarian reserve of a woman. A low AMH means that there are fewer eggs available in the ovaries, which may imply that getting pregnant maybe an issue.  At birth the ovary contains about 1/2 million/oocytes (eggs). And as we age, this number becomes smaller and smaller. And by the time we hit puberty,…

how to improve egg quality after 40
How To Improve Egg Quality After 40 | By Dr Firuza Parikh

As a woman ages, the egg quality deteriorates., The odds of achieving pregnancy become in the 40s as compared to the 20s or 30s. Egg quality is one of the main contributing factors to pregnancy. According to a study, women who are 40 years of age or above have a higher risk of pregnancy complications, such as high blood pressure,…

what causes infection in sperm
What Causes Infection In Sperm? | Fertiltree IVF Center

Among the most pressing concerns that affect infertility has to do with the male sperm, such as unhealthy sperm or low sperm count. From hormonal issues and blockage in vas deferens to inflammation of seminal vesicles and chromosomal abnormality, there are quite a number of reasons that can be attributed to unhealthy or low sperm count. Moreover, lifestyle choices from…

prp for fertility
What is PRP for Fertility? | PRP Fertility Treatment Guide | By Dr Firuza Parikh

Platelet-Rich Plasma (or PRP for short) is a modern and quite promising approach in the field of fertility treatments. This cutting-edge technique involves using patient’s own platelets to improve reproductive outcomes. In this post, we detail for you everything you need to know about this innovative PRP and walk through the potential benefits for those who may be facing reproductive…

top foods to improve egg quality
Top Foods To Improve Female Egg Quality | Fertiltree IVF Center

When it comes to the idea or plan of having a baby to start a family, beyond picking out baby names and imagining the perfect nursery, it is essential to be physically and mentally prepared and ready. Egg quality can make a big difference in how quickly and easily we conceive, as eggs with high quality have a better chance…

How Many Injections are Needed for IVF Treatment
How Many Injections are Needed for IVF Treatment? | By Dr Firuza Parikh

During the remarkable IVF procedure, eggs are fertilized with sperm outside the body, and the developed embryos are carefully placed into the uterus for potential pregnancy.  IVF treatment consists of giving different types of hormones to recruit a good number of eggs. The type and dosage depend on the woman’s AMH levels, age, hormonal profile, and her response in past…

Can you get pregnant with one follicle
Can You Get Pregnant With One Follicle? | by Dr Firuza Parikh

Ovarian follicles are small sacs filled with fluid & and developing eggs that are found inside a woman’s ovaries. They secrete hormones that influence various stages of the menstrual cycle. At the time of puberty, women have approximately 200,000 to 300,000 eggs, each with the potential to ovulate.There is one egg or oocyte per follicle. In a normal menstrual cycle, one follicle will grow…

Does Female Masturbation Cause Female Infertility?
Does Female Masturbation Cause Female Infertility?

The discussion around infertility is not easy. Many factors may cause infertility. These may vary from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) to Endometriosis to pelvic infections. One question that people still ask regarding masturbation is, “Does masturbation cause infertility in women?” Let’s discuss this here.  Myths Surrounding Masturbation And Female Infertility There are some myths surrounding female masturbation. Some of the…

foods to increase sperm count and motility
18 Best Foods To Increase Sperm Count and Motility

Nutrition plays an important role in fertility enhancement. Reproductive health has mostly always been discussed regarding women, but men’s fertility plays as much of a role. Here you can learn more about how nutrition and the foods we eat can affect male fertility and increase sperm count. What is Sperm? Sperm is a male reproductive cell that fertilises the female…

Does Excessive Masturbation Cause Azoospermia? Is it a myth? | FertilTree IVF Centre

Many questions and myths surround the topic of masturbation and whether it affects the body. Most of them are not true, misconceptions are plenty, and facts are a few. This article will clear many doubts. There is no scientific study conducted or medical proof that excessive masturbation has any link to Azoospermia or infertility in men in general. Some doctors…