IVF center in Mumbai

TOI Lifestyle Hospitals Clinics Ranking Survey2022 - 12 Nov 22
First in “All India Lifestyle Hospital & Clinic for IVF and Fertility Ranking Survey – 2022” by Times of India at the National Level, in the West Region and in Mumbai City for the sixth consecutive year.

Our Department has been selected First IVF and Fertility Centre in Mumbai in India at National Level, in West Region and in Mumbai for the sixth consecutive year by the “All India Lifestyle Hospital & Clinic Ranking Survey 2022” carried out by Times of India in 2022.

Dual Stimulation IVF
2 in1 IVF: What is double stimulation in IVF?

A human is born with ½ a million eggs. But only 1 egg is released from the ovary every month. During IVF, hormonal injections allow more eggs to be released from the egg pool. Multiple  Follicular waves allow a certain number of eggs to be released. It is now clear that multiple follicular waves can be utilized during IVF cycles.…

First in All India “Times-Top IVF & Fertility Centres in India Ranking Survey – 2020” at National Level for the fourth consecutive year.

Our Department has been selected First IVF Centres in Mumbai in India at national level, in West Zone and in Mumbai for the fourth consecutive year by the all India survey carried out by Times of India in 2019.   https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/health-survey/ivf https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/health-survey/ivf#hospitals_regional-west https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/health-survey/ivf#hospitals_cities-mumbai  

PGT for Single Gene Disorder : First pregnancy in India for BRCA1 mutation. Twins free of BRCA1 mutation born to Debashis and his wife who is a carrier of BRCA1 mutation.

A mutation in Breast Cancer genes (BRCA1 or BRCA2) can predispose women to breast and ovarian cancers and men to prostate, colon and breast cancers. A couple with 3 miscarriages, with the female partner being heterozygous for BRCA1 (autosomal dominant) mutation approached us for their desire to have a child free of BRCA1 mutation. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for BRCA1…