Low AMH Level: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Low AMH levels could be a cause for concern for women in Mumbai who are trying to conceive. For those who plan to start a family, comprehending the significance of AMH, which plays a pivotal role in assessing fertility potential, is of absolute importance.  In 2021, a study was conducted to create age-specific percentile charts of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) and…

Did I Ovulate or not?
Did I Ovulate or not? By Dr. Firuza Parikh

Whether you are trying to get pregnant or avoiding it, knowing exactly when ovulation takes place is important. While some can easily detect ovulation based on their menstrual cycle, figuring out when it’s done can be trickier. However, there are clear signs to help determine if ovulation has ended, making it easier to track fertility and plan accordingly. In this…

empty follicle syndrome
Empty Follicle Syndrome: Types, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

A rare condition in which no eggs are retrieved during an IVF procedure. The condition of Empty Follicle Syndrome (EFS) can  be emotionally devastating. This blog aims to provide readers with deeper insights into the intriguing nature of EFS by shedding light on its potential causes through an exploration of various studies conducted thus far. What Is Empty Follicle Syndrome? …

Cost of IVF Treatment in Mumbai
Cost of IVF Treatment in Mumbai | Complete Guide

Thanks to advancements in medical technology, the landscape of IVF treatment has never been more promising. Mumbai, with its robust medical infrastructure, unparalleled fertility specialists, and affordable clinics, among other factors, has emerged as one of the most ideal destinations for IVF treatment in India. This guide explores the reasons why Mumbai is a top choice for IVF treatment, along…

ivf costs india
Everything You Need To Know About IVF Costs In India

The yearning for parenthood is a natural phenomenon, and it can burn quite brightly, especially as we reach a certain age. In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) offers a chance to start a family for many couples struggling to conceive. Yet, taking this particular route often raises essential questions, with one of the most crucial being the cost. In a nation like…

can you lower my fsh
Can You Lower My FSH Level? By Dr Firuza Parikh

FSH, or Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, is a hormone produced by the brain’s pituitary gland in both men and women. It plays quite a crucial role in the reproductive system. Typically, FSH levels are commonly tested on day 3 of a woman’s menstrual cycle to assess ovarian function, determine ovarian reserve, and evaluate fertility by monitoring the hormone’s role in stimulating egg…

What is intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)? ICSI Procedure in India

ICSI or Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, is the most common and leading treatment for male fertility issues. This technique is chosen by couples who have faced an unsuccessful fertilization even after IVF treatment. Here a single live sperm is injected directly into the female egg with the help of a glass needle. During ICSI, the female partner undergoes Ovarian Stimulation through…

Can i avoid progesterone during IVF?
Can I Avoid Having Progesterone Injections During IVF?

When it comes to in vitro fertilization (IVF), there are often a series of decisions and considerations that need to be made. One such decision has to do with an injection of progesterone, which is prescribed as part of the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) to increase the odds of becoming pregnant. This blog discusses whether progesterone injections can…

Can Endometriosis Come Back After Surgery?
Can Endometriosis Come Back After Surgery?

It has been estimated that over 200 million women worldwide are affected by endometriosis. It is a condition wherein the tissue (endometrium) that is supposed to line the uterus grows outside of her uterus. While science and medicines have helped in providing relief for some patients, a common concern is whether it can come back after surgery.  This blog aims…

whats the best age to freeze your eggs?
What’s the Best Age to Freeze Your Eggs | By Dr Firuza Parikh

From prioritizing career goals to waiting for the right life partner, women worldwide choose to freeze their eggs for various reasons. According to a survey conducted by NYU (New York University), where experts aimed to understand the motivations behind egg freezing, 80% of respondents cited the lack of a partner as their primary reason for not starting a family yet.…