Platelet-Rich Plasma (or PRP for short) is a modern and quite promising approach in the field of fertility treatments. This cutting-edge technique involves using patient’s own platelets to improve reproductive outcomes. In this post, we detail for you everything you need to know about this innovative PRP and walk through the potential benefits for those who may be facing reproductive challenges and wish to overcome them.
PRP Fertility Treatment Complete Guide: TOC
What is PRP?
Platelet-rich plasma (or PRP in short) is a concentration of plasma protein taken from whole blood, which is centrifuged to get rid of red blood cells. It’s also widely known as autologous conditioned plasma. Platelets, also called thrombocytes, are found in blood that have growth and healing functions.
According to a 2021 study, positive outcomes such as increased endometrial thickness, elevated AMH, reduced FSH levels, and improved pregnancy rates has been seen with PRP therapy.
Read more: Thin Endometrium Lining:Symptoms and Causes
What are the main components of PRP?
Platelet-rich plasma consists of two elements: plasma, or the liquid portion of blood, and platelets.
Growth factor content in PRP
Platelets, an important reservoir of growth factors in the body, contain many different growth factors like transforming growth factor (or TGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), platelet factor interleukin (IL), platelet-derived angiogenesis factor (PDAF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), insulin-like growth factor IGF and fibronectin.
How is PRP prepared?
There are numerous methods of preparation for PRP, from whole blood collection to commercially made PRP kits. PRP prepared from autologous blood samples of patients has 3–5 times the concentration of platelets than in circulating blood. A process known as differential centrifugation is employed. An initial centrifugation separates red blood cells (RBC), followed by a second centrifugation to concentrate platelets. The platelets are then suspended in the smallest volume of plasma to obtain PRP.
Autologous PRP has now expanded into the realm of IVF. Studies on autologous PRP have suggested promising results in women with thin endometrial lining as well as women with diminished ovarian reserve or recurrent implantation failure, resulting in improved outcomes.
PRP for egg quantity and quality
Egg quality, as well as quantity, can diminish with age, reducing the chances of pregnancy. Some women suffer from premature ovarian failure, low hormone levels, or unexplained infertility. Platelets, especially those that contain a growth factor to stimulate healing, can help elevate these issues.
Read more: Top Foods to Improve Egg Quality
Intraovarian PRP
There is a concerning trend of decreasing AMH as well as Diminished Ovarian Reserve among Indian women seeking infertility treatment. This trend is especially apparent in women aged 30-37 years. Such a decline is leading to a generation of young women of Indian origins with Poor Ovarian Reserve (POR), Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR), and reduced reproductive potential. Despite trying various methods of ovarian stimulation, these young women do not adequately respond and may produce no eggs. For most of them, accepting donated oocytes is not an option. However, the use of Platelet Rich Plasma has shown quite beneficial effects in Ovarian Rejuvenation. We’ve launched a simplified technique of using Intra Ovarian Platelet Rich Plasma (IOPRP), and this has shown promising results. After three cycles of PRP, we have achieved a 44% pregnancy rate in women who have poor ovarian reserve, compared to 22% in women with poor ovarian reserve who did not undergo IOPRP.
Please see the link to the research done by our team at Jaslok-FertilTree International Fertility Centre https://journals.lww.com/grh/fulltext/2022/05010/a_novel_method_of_intraovarian_instillation_of.1.aspx
How is PRP utilized for thin endometrial lining
Intrauterine infusion of PRP can help thicken the uterine lining and potentially improve your chances of getting pregnant.
The use of PRP may help ensure better endometrial receptivity, the mechanism by which PRP treatment improves endometrial receptivity lies in the modulation of the endometrial immune environment and endometrial microbial community.
PRP for ovarian rejuvenation
Ovarian PRP, also known as Ovarian Rejuvenation is a process where the ovaries are mildly stimulated to induce follicle development, and PRP is injected into the developing follicles. Ovarian PRP involves the utilization of platelet-rich plasma, a concentrated solution of growth factors & cytokines derived from a woman’s own blood, to enhance ovarian function and improve fertility outcomes.
PRP for uterine infusion
Many patients with Genital TB are asymptomatic, leading to an underestimation of its burden. Endometrial TB can cause issues with the lining and reduce the chances of successful implantation. This happens because the immune system modulates the endometrium and makes the uterine lining non-receptive to embryos. Our study found that women with a history of genital TB or thin lining who had never conceived before had a 24% pregnancy rate. This is also promising for women with endometrial lining problems who have never conceived before. To perform the treatment, blood is collected from the woman and centrifuged at different speeds to obtain platelet-rich plasma. Sterile precautions are taken to instil PRP into the uterine cavity using an intrauterine catheter.
Who should consider PRP fertility treatment
- Women who have experienced failed cycles due to persistent thin lining.
- Women who are not responding to conventional modes for improving the endometrium (Sildenafil/Aspirin/ increased doses of Estradiol Valerate /Intrauterine instillation of GCSF)
- Women who have a history of miscarriages due to endometrial issues.
- Women who have a history of Ectopic pregnancy.
- Women who have experienced treated genital TB who have not conceived before.
- Women who have low ovarian reserve and premature ovarian insufficiency.
Final Thoughts
Platelet-rich plasma (or PRP in short), which consists of two main elements (plasma, or the liquid portion of blood, and platelets) can be quite beneficial for those who have struggled to get pregnant or conceive. In a world where medical advancement has time and time again continued to make human lives better, know that the chances of becoming a mother (especially those who face infertility) has increased significantly, thanks to PRP therapy. You can get in touch with us at [email protected] or visit our IVF centre in Mumbai for a consultation.